Warrants of series TO2 in Elicera Therapeutics AB were subscribed to approximately 96.3 percent and the company resolves on a directed issue to underwriters
Elicera Therapeutics' abstract on the iTANK platform's potential to enhance CAR T-cell treatment of solid tumors accepted for presentation at ISCT 2024
Elicera Therapeutics’ co-founder Magnus Essand invited to present the company's CAR T-cell projects at the world's largest cancer immunotherapy conference, CICON
Elicera Therapeutics participates in a collaborative project for the development of improved CAR T-cell production that has been awarded research support of SEK 850 thousand
Elicera Therapeutics submits GMP validation data to the Swedish Medical Products Agency for the CARMA study to supplement the conditionally approved clinical trial application
Elicera Therapeutics receives conditional approval from the Medical Products Agency on its CAR T-cell Clinical Trial Application to test ELC-301 (CARMA-study)
Elicera Therapeutics reports additional signals of clinical activity in patients treated for neuroendocrine tumors in the ELC-100 study at the Oncolytic Virotherapy Summit in Boston
Elicera Therapeutics publishes scientific article in Nature Biomedical Engineering on the iTANK-platform and data indicating its universal compatibility with other CAR T-cell therapies
Warrants of series TO2 in Elicera Therapeutics AB were subscribed to approximately 96.3 percent and the company resolves on a directed issue to underwriters
Elicera Therapeutics' abstract on the iTANK platform's potential to enhance CAR T-cell treatment of solid tumors accepted for presentation at ISCT 2024
Elicera Therapeutics’ co-founder Magnus Essand invited to present the company's CAR T-cell projects at the world's largest cancer immunotherapy conference, CICON
Elicera Therapeutics participates in a collaborative project for the development of improved CAR T-cell production that has been awarded research support of SEK 850 thousand
Elicera Therapeutics submits GMP validation data to the Swedish Medical Products Agency for the CARMA study to supplement the conditionally approved clinical trial application
Elicera Therapeutics receives conditional approval from the Medical Products Agency on its CAR T-cell Clinical Trial Application to test ELC-301 (CARMA-study)
Elicera Therapeutics reports additional signals of clinical activity in patients treated for neuroendocrine tumors in the ELC-100 study at the Oncolytic Virotherapy Summit in Boston
Elicera Therapeutics publishes scientific article in Nature Biomedical Engineering on the iTANK-platform and data indicating its universal compatibility with other CAR T-cell therapies
Elicera Therapeutics submits GMP validation data to the Swedish Medical Products Agency for the CARMA study to supplement the conditionally approved clinical trial application
Elicera Therapeutics receives conditional approval from the Medical Products Agency on its CAR T-cell Clinical Trial Application to test ELC-301 (CARMA-study)
Elicera Therapeutics reports additional signals of clinical activity in patients treated for neuroendocrine tumors in the ELC-100 study at the Oncolytic Virotherapy Summit in Boston
Elicera Therapeutics publishes scientific article in Nature Biomedical Engineering on the iTANK-platform and data indicating its universal compatibility with other CAR T-cell therapies
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